Transaction Support

UK BESS Strategic and Commercial support
Client Challenge
Due diligence support on the acquisition of commercial storage project(s) in the UK
(Group Gransolar SL).
Our approach
Phase 1: Red Flag Due Diligence
- Summary of key points and “Red-Flag” technical & commercial review of project documents.
- Commercial opinion on reasonableness of promoted revenue strategy and assumptions.
Phase 2: Detailed Due Diligence
- Assisted in battery duration sizing.
- Built a full financial, tax and accounting model.
- Conducted a tender process for revenue optimisation services.
Phase 3: Project Execution through to Financial Close
- Utilised granular simulation outputs to finalise battery warranty conditions (e.g. providing cell manufacturer with half-hourly throughput data).
- Assisted in debt modelling & negotiation.
- Project Management / transaction execution assistance.